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Haute Sauce's Secret to Turning Anonymous Visitors into Customers with NitroX and LimeChat

Haute Sauce's Secret to Turning Anonymous Visitors into Customers with NitroX and LimeChat

Our Impact

Website Visitors Identified
Uplift in Conversion
ROAS from WhatsApp


Haute Sauce, a contemporary fashion brand for women offering a range of products including bags, eyewear, and watches, operates as an e-commerce-first entity under the umbrella of Campus Sutra. Haute Sauce's strong online presence attracts substantial website traffic and maintains decent conversions through Shopify and LimeChat’s WhatsApp widget. However, like many e-commerce businesses, Haute Sauce encountered challenges in fully optimizing conversions from website visitors.

The Need

Suhas, leading E-commerce operations at Haute Sauce, identified a critical challenge: despite healthy traffic to the website, many visitors browsed products without completing purchases. He underscored the need for an effective retargeting strategy to capitalize on these missed opportunities and boost conversion rates.

What made retargeting challenging for Haute Sauce? WhatsApp had been an effective retargeting channel, but the primary difficulty was the anonymity of 90% of website visitors. This anonymity, along with the need for actionable insights to design personalized retargeting campaigns, made the process challenging.

Optimizing Retargeting Strategy

Already a LimeChat customer, Haute Sauce was utilizing its WhatsApp capabilities for cart abandonment, personalized marketing, and retargeting. To enhance their efforts, Haute Sauce partnered with NitroX, a LimeChat partner, to boost conversions from interested but non-purchasing visitors. NitroX’s innovative identification technology helps transform anonymous visitors into opt-in users.

Achieving Key Goals with LimeChat x NitroX

  1. Identify non-purchasing, anonymous visitors: NitroX identified 17% of non-purchasing, anonymous visitors on Haute Sauce’s website successfully.
  2. High-intent lead generation and conversion:  By converting 51% of contacts into opt-in high-intent leads for retargeting, the brand achieved an impressive 11% conversion rate. By capturing detailed attributes of these leads, NitroX enabled Haute Sauce to implement more effective and targeted WhatsApp campaigns. The data is now stored, and users remain logged in on their website due to the continuous log-in feature.
  3. Use 2-way WhatsApp messaging as an effective retargeting channel: Haute Sauce leveraged LimeChat’s 2-way messaging capabilities to retarget visitors with personalized WhatsApp messages based on their drop-off points in the buying funnel. This strategy enhanced engagement, boosted conversion rates, and achieved an impressive ROAS of 20. Additionally, sending 2-way abandoned checkout notifications through WhatsApp resulted in a 100% increment in conversion rates. In case of any queries, customers could easily get their questions resolved with hyper-personalized responses.

The Solution

Identifying and capturing hot leads

Haute Sauce supercharges its lead capture with NitroX’s interactive approach. By displaying pop-up forms that offer a coupon code in exchange for visitor consent, NitroX turns browsing into an interactive experience. The smart pre-filling of phone numbers boosts engagement and ensures precise data capture, transforming casual visitors into high-quality leads.

Retargeting via personalized campaigns

Haute Sauce uses NitroX’s rich dataset, which includes name, email, phone number, location, product views, category views, total cart value, and last activity to design and execute highly personalized retargeting campaigns. These campaigns are tailored to the individual behavior and interests of each visitor, enhancing engagement across multiple channels.

Driving conversions via WhatsApp campaigns

Haute Sauce uses LimeChat’s capabilities to retarget high-intent leads through personalized 2-way WhatsApp messages tailored to where customers dropped off in the buying funnel—whether at the collection viewed, product viewed, or checkout created stages. As a highly engaging channel, WhatsApp delivers strong conversion rates and impressive ROAS for these campaigns.

LimeChat’s 2-way abandoned cart campaigns take conversions to the next level, transforming engagement into actionable results. Customer queries and purchasing concerns can be easily addressed on WhatsApp through automation or agent support via Agent CRM.

The Results

By integrating NitroX’s advanced identification technology with LimeChat’s WhatsApp capabilities, Haute Sauce has successfully optimized their retargeting strategy, turning more website visitors into engaged and purchasing customers.

  • Increase in High-Intent Lead Generation: NitroX converted 51% of identified anonymous website visitors into high-intent leads ready for retargeting.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Haute Sauce achieved an 11% conversion rate among these leads with personalized multichannel campaigns.
  • Enhanced Return on Ad Spend (RoAS): The personalized 2-way WhatsApp-based retargeting strategy achieved a ROAS of 20. Additionally, using WhatsApp for abandoned checkouts resulted in a 100% increment in conversion rates compared to those from the website.
  • Additional Opportunity: There is an additional potential to target the 89% of users who were retargeted but did not convert. By leveraging high-performing channels including WhatsApp, Haute Sauce can generate up to 50% more revenue from these users.
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