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The Man Company saw a 3X upliftment in their WhatsApp sales with LimeChat's Level-3 AI

The Man Company saw a 3X upliftment in their WhatsApp sales with LimeChat's Level-3 AI

Our Impact

Sales compared to the bot
Conversion rate
Reduction in cost per conversion

Key challenges

Many impulse buyers would come to WhatsApp seeking answers to their queries. Unfortunately, high response times by customer support agents led to massive drop-offs.
To compound matters, users sometimes needed recommendations to determine which product would best address their needs, and the information overload on product pages only added to the confusion and further deterred potential buyers.


  • Increase sales from impulse shoppers on WhatsApp
  • Scale customer support easily with the brand's rapid growth
  • Drive retention-led growth to have higher LTV and lower CAC

The Solution

  • LimeChat's human-level sales chatbot
    To guide impulse shoppers coming on WhatsApp to purchase by responding instantly to queries
  • Limechat's support automation chatbot:
    To instantly and automatically handle post-purchase support tickets
  • WhatsApp marketing campaigns:
    To engage customers across their buying journey

The Results

  • 12% Conversion rate
  • 70% Reduction in cost per conversion
  • 3X sales compared to the bot

Read the full case study to know how The Man Company witnessed a 3X growth in sales via WhatsApp.

Download Full Case Study

“We onboarded LimeChat to automate our conversations through a bot. We have achieved the goal of 70% automation consistently for 3 months. Revenue through the bot conversations has also tripled.”

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