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How to Use Conversational Commerce for Better Marketing and Sales

Written by
Team LimeChat
Published on
December 30, 2022

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As the digital landscape grows more crowded, it’s more important than ever to stand out. Customer expectations are changing due to the widespread adoption of social media and messaging apps. The way we interact with brands is evolving, and the way businesses communicate with their customers needs to evolve right along with it.

To win in the eCommerce game, a business must be willing to treat each customer uniquely. It’s no longer enough to send out a blanket email blast or push out your marketing message through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Today, customers expect personalized experiences from businesses. They want businesses that understand their needs, anticipate their desires, respect their privacy, and treat them well.

In fact, according to a recent study by LivePerson, 71% of consumers prefer conversations over traditional forms of communication because they feel more connected with businesses through messaging apps than through traditional channels like email or phone calls.

To win in the commerce environment, you need more than just good marketing strategies—you need strategies that treat each customer uniquely.  Adding a conversational layer to your marketing strategy can help you drive more conversions and make long-lasting connections with your customers.

In this blog, we’ll explore how conversational commerce can help you connect with your customers on their terms—and win them over in the process. We’ll share examples of companies who’ve been successful at using conversational commerce to drive sales and increase customer engagement and how you too can implement some of their strategies in your own business.

Conversational commerce: A new way to interact with customers

In today’s digital world, consumers interact with brands online in various ways. Customers can email them, send them a tweet or DM on Instagram, or comment on their Facebook page. But a new way to interact with businesses is quickly gaining popularity: conversational commerce.

Conversational commerce is a rising trend in the digital world. The idea is simple: instead of forcing your customers to interact with your brand through forms and buttons, why not make it more like a conversation?

Conversational commerce allows customers to chat directly with businesses through messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

This style of commerce offers many benefits for brands. This allows companies to communicate in real time and build relationships with their customers. It also helps companies collect data about customers’ preferences and interests to better serve them. It can help you improve lead conversions, reduce turnaround time, and even increase customer satisfaction.

Why brands are embracing conversational commerce in sales and marketing?

The rise of conversational commerce has been driven by the rise of messaging apps and the popularity of voice-activated assistants like Siri and Alexa. Customers are increasingly using these tools to ask questions, make purchases, and get answers about products.

Conversational commerce makes it easier to reach your customers because it allows you to communicate with them in a way that feels more personal, which, in turn, makes them feel valued. Customers are much more likely to respond to a message from a company if they feel like they’re being communicated with directly, as opposed to being bombarded by advertisements.

With conversational commerce, you can provide your customers with a more personalized experience than ever before. You can interact with them in real-time as they shop and tailor their experience so that it feels like they’re talking to someone instead of an impersonal website.

Conversational commerce is also a great way to increase sales by offering shoppers unique content and product information. With conversational commerce, you can provide helpful tips on how best to use the product they’re interested in or even show them how they might want to style it differently than you did when you designed it! This will help them feel confident about their purchase—and allow them to refer friends who are also thinking about making one!

Here are five reasons why marketers should use conversational commerce

Direct Line to Your Audience

If you’re a marketer, you know how difficult it can be to get your message heard.

It’s not enough to just have a great product or service—you also need to be able to connect with your audience and make them want to buy it.

Conversational commerce is an excellent way to do this. The biggest advantage of using conversational commerce is the direct line of communication it opens up between your business and its customers. It provides consumers an easy way to connect with your brand, so they can ask questions and receive answers immediately. This makes them feel more connected and confident in their decision-making process, leading to higher sales overall.

Simply put, you’re no longer limited by relying on people searching for your products or services to find you. Now, you can just reach out directly to the people who are already interested in what you have to offer—and engage them immediately.

Conversational commerce also allows marketers to create more personalized content that appeals directly to their customers’ needs and desires. This kind of content helps you stand out from the competition since most companies still rely on traditional advertising methods like print ads or billboards instead of delivering content directly from the source (i.e., their customers).

Cost and time effective

Conversational commerce doesn’t just help you get in touch with the right people at the right time; it also makes it easier for you to keep up that contact once they’ve made contact with you. Since these interactions happen via text or voice message rather than through more time-consuming methods like email or phone calls, they’re much less expensive than other forms of communication—which means more bang for your buck!

And since it’s time-effective—you are engaging with customers as soon as they reach out—it means faster responses from your team. With conversational commerce tools like chatbots and messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, marketers can send messages whenever they want and know that those messages will be seen by their customers immediately. This allows marketers to be more responsive and flexible when communicating with customers.

Increased chances of lead conversion

Conversational commerce can be the key to improving your lead conversion rate.

The number one way to increase your lead conversion rate is by building a relationship with your customers. And what better way to do that than through conversational commerce?

By engaging in real-time conversations with your customers, you can tailor your content and products to their needs. This is great for two reasons: it helps build trust between the brand and the customer and allows you to create more personalized experiences that will ultimately convert leads into sales.

Customers can feel more connected with a brand when they feel like they’re having a conversation with them, rather than being talked at by a salesperson, making conversational commerce important for brands who want to connect with their customers in a meaningful way.

And when you have this kind of connection with your customers, they’ll be more likely to convert into leads—which means your sales will go up!

Send personalized offers

Conversational commerce is a great way to understand your leads, gather information about your potential customers, and create targeted marketing campaigns. By using conversational commerce, brands can create more personalized experiences for consumers by collecting user data from their previous interactions with the brand and using that information to determine what kind of engagement will work best for each customer.

With this information, you can create personalized messages that include the names of your leads and the products they might like. This will help you increase sales by ensuring your messaging matches customers’ wants.

This will ensure that customers feel like every interaction is unique and tailored specifically for them—something that makes them more likely to convert into paying customers!

Also Read: What are the Different Types of Conversational Commerce?

How leading brands are using Conversational Commerce for ecommerce marketing and sales

Casper Mattresses

If you’re looking for an excellent example of how chatbots can be used for lead generation, look no further than Casper Mattresses. They created the chatbot Insomnobot-3000, which you can text with when you can’t sleep.

The brand built the chatbot to get people’s mobile numbers and to get them to open up about their sleeping habits, so they can learn more about what makes them tick and what they need in a mattress.

Jasper’s Market

Jasper’s Market is making it easier than ever to shop by offering a chatbot that can answer your questions about sales and specials, products, or any other steps in the customer journey. But if it’s something more complex, the bot connects its customers to a human who can help them out.

Kettlebell Kings

Kettlebell Kings has come up with a new way to help your workout. The company has a chatbot on its website and Facebook Fanpage that generates leads by encouraging visitors to sign up for their workout service, which will help them improve their training skills.

Delight Prints

​​Recovering abandoned carts is one of the most essential metrics for e-commerce sites. Delight Prints employs a chatbot to recover abandoned carts.

Shoppers can return to the checkout page or check out on the chat screen. They can even make queries about the product or ask for a reminder the next day.


Natori has long been known for its elegant apparel, home accessories, lingerie, and home decor. But now, the brand is making waves in another arena: customer service.

Natori’s Facebook Messenger bot allows them to offer real-time responses, help customers find suitable products, and support conversion. All of this is done through a simple interface that makes it easy for customers to communicate with the brand.


In the world of social media, where most companies rely on automated responses and canned phrases, Sweetwater stands out as an example of how brands can set themselves apart by treating each customer as an individual.

Sweetwater is an excellent example of a company that has made its social customer care an area of focus. The company makes it a point to personalize customer responses with actionable advice with a totally human tone.

REN Clean Skincare

When you’re running an e-commerce brand, the last thing you want to happen is for people to abandon their shopping carts. It’s a huge issue for retailers and can be resolved with conversational commerce by giving e-commerce brands a chance to re-engage their would-be customers.

When shoppers abandon their shopping carts, it’s usually because they’re not sure about making the purchase. By reaching out to them through text messaging, you can give them that extra push they need to complete their order.

One company that has successfully used conversational commerce to help shoppers complete their orders is REN Clean Skincare. REN Clean Skincare is a clean beauty company that uses conversational commerce to create an abandoned cart campaign and send an automated text message to shoppers who’ve ditched their shopping cart before purchasing. The message is personalized to each shopper and prompts them to complete their purchase.


Implement conversational commerce for your eCommerce brand

If you want to find out how to implement it in your own business, just follow these steps:

  1. Start by creating a strategy for conversational commerce that will work for your brand.
  1. Select a bot platform that fits your needs and budget, then select the right AI technology.
  1. Build a content library based on your product catalog or service offering to help keep customers engaged and on track with their questions during the conversation process.
  1. Test out different ways of using conversation in your marketing campaigns so that you can find out which ones are most effective at driving engagement with potential customers before deciding on which ones might be worth investing more time in the long term (i.e., those that have high engagement rates with users).

If you’re looking for some help in creating your conversational commerce strategy, check out our blog on How to create your conversational commerce strategy.

Are you ready to jump onto the conversational commerce bandwagon?

Employing conversation in your marketing and sales is a great way to engage your audience and create a back-and-forth dialog. More than that, it’s also a highly effective tool for building brand awareness, resolving customer queries, and reaching out to prospects with timely sales opportunities.

If you’re looking for a way to power up your sales and marketing with conversational commerce, LimeChat can help you get there.

LimeChat helps brands create meaningful conversations through its level 3 AI tools. They can guide consumers through a chatbot experience that feels personal, give customers the information they want and when they want it, and keep them coming back for more—all while saving money on labor costs and increasing revenue from your website.

So go ahead and fuel your marketing and sales strategies with conversational commerce and see the magic happen.

Book a free demo today!

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